
Monday, March 25, 2013

Great videos for learning basic crochet

I firstly learned the basic crochet from a book that I bought. I thought the book was clear enough for a beginner like me but right after I really started crocheting, the book turns out not as clear as I thought it was to be. My first crochet project I did in my previous post based on that book was totally unsuccessful. I didn't finish it. I made a lot of mistakes, I was so frustrated but I haven't given up on crocheting yet.  So, since I'm more to a visual kind of person, I went to YouTube and tried to find a good tutorial video and found these great videos. These videos are really helpful and easy to understand especially for beginner. It taught basic crochet very well compared to other videos I watched. Here are the videos.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

She finally finished it!

Remember this?

And few days later, this is what came out ....

Yes, It's is a cushion.

Love it very much!!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Very Beginning of Crocheting Journey

Have I told you that I started crocheting? Yes, I'm newbie to crochet and learning the basic of how to crochet now, really starting at the very beginning.

The work in progress

It's not finished yet. To be honest, I don't know what I'm making. I just keep crocheting to practice my single crochet stitch. I think I'll stop when it's long enough to be worn as a scarf. However, based on this first experience,  it comes to a conclusion (Well, actually it was my friend's conclusion) that the crochet hook I'm using is too small and totally not comfortable. No wonder it makes my fingers get tired and stiff easily.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Japanese Sewing Books

I'm so excited right now because I will have my first sewing machine delivered on June and my husband is going to Japan in May. Well, actually for the last part I'm not quite excited because I can't go with him to Japan since it is a business trip, as you know fellow crafters, Japan has a lot of cute thing such as fabrics, craft stuff and many more but his promise for bringing me some Japanese sewing books kinda makes me cheerful. And here are the preview of the books I want.

The books I really really want the most are books about wallet and bag. Those two things are kinda universal.  Who doesn't love bag and wallet, right? If I could, I do want to have a full closet of bag.

 ハンドメイドのお財布 translated as 'Handmade wallet" (ISBN 978-4-529-05006-7) 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

My Little Queenie learning to sew

When I was finishing my kid's new felt wallet, out of blue, my youngest said that she wanted to stitch. I was so excited that my 6 yo daughter wanted to stitch. So, I gave her my leftover felt and taught her the simplest stitch.

Queenie in action
I really love how she insisted to draw and cut the pattern by herself. The first pattern she drew was the star (as the picture below)

She said the red one is a hand fan and the pink one is a star
She brought her crafts to school and showed them to her friends and came home with some felt craft requests from her school friends.

2 Patricks
She made another star shaped felt and 2 love shaped felts for her friends, unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of those love shaped felts before she gave those to her friends. :( 

After her brother and sister said that the star looked like Patrick Star in Spongebob, she glued some buttons on it to make it really look like Patrick.

Playing with scraps
Her last unfinished project is, as what she calls it, a little cushion. She cut the scraps, arranged and glued them. I can't wait for it to finish. Will post the picture later.